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    carbon fees 結果共3筆

  • Taiwan to station staff in EU for carbon policy updates

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Environment plans to navigate the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism by stationing personnel in the EU and organizing exchanges to aid industries in adapting to carbon pricing changes.
  • MOENV holds fifth meeting on carbon fee rates

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s carbon fee adjustments as the Ministry of Environment discusses rates and impacts on the economy and industries. Learn about the balance between environmental goals and economic competitiveness.
    2024/09/09 11:36
  • Taiwan initiates carbon credit trading for zero-carbon goals

    The Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) has launched international carbon credits trading, marking the start of a zero-carbon era. The Ministry of Environment (MOEV) is committed to achieving the net-zero goal and plans to implement carbon fees on businesses by 2024. Around 1,700 publicly traded companies in Taiwan will undergo carbon inspections within seven years, with those emitting 25,000 metric tons annually being the first to be taxed. However, the voluntary review report by the Climate Change Administration (CCA) revealed that three major greenhouse gas emission reduction goals were not met between 2020 and 2022, largely due to labor constraints. To accelerate progress, the CCA has doubled the number of inspection agencies from seven to 14 in the past two years.
    2023/12/26 21:50
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